Sense of Love【讀劇夜01:《戀愛格林威治》】

by cabinet.of.stories

Cabinet of Stories 的第一個讀劇夜 Play Reading Night,由6位修讀戲劇的學生演出。演出文本《戀愛格林威治時間》描述準新人陳小川與林寶琪在婚禮前夕,各自遇上前度情人,兩人原以為已放下的感覺忽然再次浮現,令他們不受控地墮入迷茫和回憶中,更質疑結婚是錯誤的決定。瀕臨分手邊緣,二人能否衝破心靈枷鎖,共同步入人生另一階段?

2月12及18日 7-9PM,共2場。

費用:$70(包括$50 Love is in the Air 一枝)

Self pick up

到實體店自提 Self pick-up at Cabinet

Cabinet of Stories
1/F, 15 Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 26622282

Opening hrs:
Mon - Thu | 12:00 - 18:00
Fri - Sun | 13:00 - 20:00 (Walk-in)
*Inbox us on instagram if you want to visit on Mon-Thu !*


順豐到付 SF Express (Paid by the recipient upon arrival) 

送到辦公室 / 順豐自提點 / 順豐智能櫃 
Deliver to office / self pick-up at SF stores or SF lockers

送貨上門須另加 $30
For home delivery, an additional fee of $20 is required

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